Monday, November 15, 2010

The Almighty Pow- Pow on a quest to be fired.

Ahem. Hello? Is this thing on?

Oh good, I'm glad you're listening. I have never been much of a writer, but everyone is doing this blog thing now, so I must follow along with the masses. Plus, I like the thought that you might be out there reading what I have to say, what I think, and the crazy things that make their way into my life...

I was fully blessed. I had the best winter job that anyone could ever dream of, I got paid to snowboard.
Mind you, I had to teach people how to snowboard while I snowboarded but it was still awesome, every day I got new students, different levels, and new challenges. More about that later, but for now, an after work story...

Growing up in central California near the coast we had a cabin near Bear Valley and we would go up there a few time over the winter to snowboard and ski as a family but I had never experienced true powder, I had never ridden the pow bro! While I worked at Dodge Ridge there was maybe four days I can count over six weeks that I didn't spend at least an hour of the day on the mountain riding so I got to experience every different kind of snow and weather you can imagine... purely awesome.

Anyways.. one day during the middle of a giant storm no one wanted lessons, in fact, there was probably at most ten non employees on the mountain that day. We spent the day riding some really mushy powder and hanging out in the locker room. It's nearing the end of the day, my boots are up drying and I'm ready to head home. My boss Zac and I are talking in the locker room about the latest issue of "Transworld Snowboarding" when Guliette my roommate comes in from the storm asking to borrow my digital camera. I handed it over and as she walked back into the storm curiosity overwhelmed me and I rushed after her, not realizing that Zac followed me. Outside Andrew, Ryan, and Guliette had built a GIANT jump out of the stairs and were about to jump it when a voice behind me yells "If you want to get fired, you can just give me your passes now".

It was Zac, and he was mad. But he was also impressed. He handed them shovels and told them to get to work tearing it down if they still wanted to work at Dodge Ridge... all the while they blamed me for bringing the big boss man outside and ruining their fun.

Because of all the fresh powder most employees decided to take the Dodge Ridge bus to work that morning but the four of us had carpooled up in Andrew's jeep and literally had to dig it out when it was time to leave. We snickered at all the employees waiting for the bus, they would have to wait a while until everyone was ready to go. Fools.

Halfway down Dodge Ridge Road Ryan had an epiphany, there was so much snow on the road we could totally snowboard all the way down to at least Pinecrest before getting on the highway. We had two snowboards with us but all of us left our boots in the locker room. Ryan and I decided it strap the boards to our feet anyway and hold onto the jeep to get a rolling start down the road. I had Andrew's board which was too big for me and goofy but I strapped my feet in and held on tight to the jeep's door as Andrew started forward... only for my feet to just fly out of the bindings. I readjusted and was ready to go and we started again... only for Ryan to fall out of the bindings about ten feet down the road. This was proving harder than we thought but we wanted to try one last time.

We had just started down the road again when I hear a noise from behind me, I turn slightly and see the big employee bus with all of our bosses on it headed straight for us honking for us to get out of the way. I literally fell over trying to get out of my bindings and jumped in the car while Ryan jumped into powder on the side of the road while the bus passed.. I was sure that my boss had seen me as well as his boss and I would be fired the next day. I knew it. I could feel it coming. I prepared myself for it. I even cried that night I was so scared.

And no one at work ever said anything about the people snowboarding down Dodge Ridge Road.


  1. what a funny story. I can't wait for the snow!!!!!!

  2. YEAH SNOW! blogs happen at camp don't they? that is why i restarted mine! lol good to see you on here!

  3. Yeah! Story time is the best. Now I can go to sleep and dream of snowboarding. [which I have never actually done]
